This page provides all the details you need to manage your shop through the API. You can create, update, or cancel your shop, and add or remove payment methods.
Create shop
To create new establishment resource, please refer to the list of available environment endpoints provided below:
Environment | URL | Operation Method & Endpoint | Operation Description |
PROD | | POST /sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop | Create a new merchant establishment resource |
CER | | POST /sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop | Create a new merchant establishment resource |
Sandbox | | POST /sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop | Create a new merchant establishment resource |
You need to perform a POST request including the following header and path parameters:
Parameter | Type | Condition | Required | Description |
Content-type | String | Mandatory | Header | application/json |
X-Request-ID | String | Mandatory | Header | ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party |
merchant-id | String | Mandatory | Path | ID of Sponsored Merchant |
x-ibm-client-id | String | Mandatory | Header | Token that identifies a client organization. It is provided during onboarding process and must be used in every call |
You need to perform a POST request with the following parameters:
Request parameters
Data Element | Type Length | Condition | Description |
Shop | Mandatory | Object that defines the Merchant Establishment | |
name | String <=40 | Optional | Establishment Name. When this field is empty, the value to be considered will be the ones parametrized at the Merchant level. |
address | String | Optional | Establishment Address When these fields are empty, the value to be considered will be the ones parametrized at the Merchant level. |
street | String <=100 | Optional | Street |
postalcode | String <=25 | Optional | Postal Code |
locality | String <=20 | Optional | Locality |
country | Number 3-3 Format ISO 3166, Number 3 code (ex: Poland – 616) | Optional | Country |
String <=55 | Optional | Establishment Email When these fields are empty, the value to be considered will be the ones parametrized at the Merchant level. | |
phoneNumber | String <=16 | Optional | Establishment Phone When these fields are empty, the value to be considered will be the ones parametrized at the Merchant level. |
type | String “Banks” “Wholesale“ “Supermarket“ “Retail“ “Gas Stations“ “Restaurants“ “Hotels“ “Others” “Virtual Establishment“ “Foreign“ “Service Provider“ “Service Entity“ “EMV Tolls“ | Mandatory | Establishment Type |
mcc | String 4-4 | Mandatory | Establishment MCC |
pkd | String 7 | Mandatory | Establishment CAE |
InvoiceIndicator | string “Payment Facilitator” “Sponsored Merchant” Default: “Payment Facilitator” | Mandatory | Establishment Invoice Indicator |
products | String | Mandatory | Object that defines the Establishment Products |
productId | String “XPAY-APPL-0-0”, “XPAY-GGLE-0-0”, “PYWK-BNPL-1-0”, “PYWK-BNPL-2-0”, “INTP-BLIK-0-0”, “INTP-BLIK-1-0”, “BLMD-PYBL-0-0”, “KEVN-PYBL-0-0”, “MCC-1-C”, “MCC-1-D”, “MCC-1-P”, “MCC-2-C”, “MCC-2-P”, “MCC-4-C”, “MCC-4-D”, “MCC-4-P”, “MSI-1-D”, “MSI-1-P”, “MSI-2-D”, “MSI-2-P”, “VIS-01-C”, “VIS-01-D”, “VIS-01-P”, “VIS-02-C”, “VIS-02-D”, “VIS-02-P”, “VPY-03-D”, “VPY-03-P”, “VSL-01-C”, “VSL-01-D”, “VSL-01-P” | Mandatory | Payment methods selected by the customer. Product ID’s to activate: “INTP-BLIK-0-0” InterPay-BLIK-Domestic “INTP-BLIK-1-0” – InterPay-BLIK-OneClick “BLMD-PYBL-0-0” BlueMedia-PayByLink-Domestic “KEVN-PYBL-0-0” – PayByLink-Kevin “MCC-1-C” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Consumer-Credit “MCC-1-D” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Consumer-Debit “MCC-1-P” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Consumer-Prepaid “MCC-2-C” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Commercial-Credit “MCC-2-P” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Commercial-Prepaid “MCC-4-C” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Other-Credit “MCC-4-D” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Other-Debit “MCC-4-P” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Other-Prepaid “MSI-1-D” – Mastercard-Maestro-Consumer-Debit “MSI-1-P” – Mastercard-Maestro-Consumer-Prepaid “MSI-2-D” – Mastercard-Maestro-Commercial-Debit “MSI-2-P” – Mastercard-Maestro-Commercial-Prepaid “VIS-02-C” – VISA-VISA-Commercial-Credit “VIS-02-D” – VISA-VISA-Commercial-Debit “VIS-02-P” – VISA-VISA-Commercial-Prepaid “VIS-01-C” – VISA-VISA-Consumer-Credit “VIS-01-D” – VISA-VISA-Consumer-Debit “VIS-01-P” – VISA-VISA-Consumer-Prepaid “VPY-03-D” – VISA-VPAY-VPAY-Debit “VPY-03-P” – VISA-VPAY-VPAY-Prepaid “VSL-01-C” – VISA-VISA Electron-Consumer-Credit “VSL-01-D” – VISA-VISA Electron-Consumer-Debit “VSL-01-P” – VISA-VISA Electron-Consumer-Prepaid |
productInvoiceIndicator | String “Payment Facilitator” “Sponsored Merchant” Default: “Payment Facilitator” | Optional | Product Invoice Indicator |
paymentMethodType | String “Direct Debit” “Bank Transfer” Default: “Direct Debit” | Conditional | Payment method type for the invoicing of the sponsored merchant. This field is mandatory if the Invoice indicator is “Sponsored Merchant” |
invoiceEmail | String <=55 | Conditional | Invoice email address. This field is mandatory if the Invoice indicator is “Sponsored Merchant” |
payout | String | Conditional | Object that defines the Payout Information. Mandatory if InvoiceIndicator is “Sponsored Merchant” |
bankAccount | String 26-26 | Conditional | Sponsored Merchants bank account Mandatory if InvoiceIndicator is “Sponsored Merchant” |
iban | String <=34 | Conditional | Sponsored Merchants iban Mandatory if InvoiceIndicator is “Sponsored Merchant” |
bic | String 8<11 | Conditional | Sponsored Merchants bic Mandatory if InvoiceIndicator is “Sponsored Merchant” |
numDaysPayout | Number | Optional | Sponsored Merchants Payout Number of Days Reserved for future use. |
maxPercentLowRiskExemptions | Number <=100 | Optional | The maximum percentage of low-risk exemptions allowed in a system or process. |
scaExemption | String Default “0” | Optional | The field to evaluate SCA Exemptions must be filled with 1 to allow and 0 to not allow |
typeOfIntegration | String “S2S” “SDK” “Plugin” Default “S2S” | Mandatory | Sponsored merchant type of integration |
webhookNotification | Object | Conditional | Object that defines the webhook configuration details Mandatory if typeOfIntegration is “Plugin”. |
type | String “URL” “Email” | Conditional | Type of webhook notifications. Mandatory if typeOfIntegration is “Plugin”. If “Plugin”, the value must be “URL” |
Value | String | Conditional | A delivery email address (for email type), or an HTTP(S) URL Mandatory if typeOfIntegration is “Plugin” |
supportEmail | String <=55 | Conditional | An email address to where all failed SPG Webhook calls will be reported by the end-of-day Mandatory if typeOfIntegration is “Plugin” |
securityKey | String >=32 | Optional | A pseudo-random symmetric key that will be used to cipher the webhook content |
Below is an example of a POST request:
"Shop": {
"name": "Alma Parker",
"address": {
"street": "Norcop Court",
"postalCode": "00-007",
"locality": "Warsaw",
"country": "616"
"email": "",
"type": "Banks",
"mcc": "5115",
"pkd": "60m93YN",
"invoiceIndicator": "Payment Facilitator",
"products": [
"productId": "BLMD-PYBL-0-0",
"productInvoiceIndicator": "Payment Facilitator"
"paymentMethodType": "Direct Debit",
"invoiceEmail": "",
"payout": {
"bankAccount": "99999999999999999999999999",
"iban": "RX89tf91aF",
"bic": "pihezhuzhi",
"maxPercentLowRiskExemptions": "100",
"scaExemption": "0",
"typeOfIntegration": "S2S",
"webhookNotification": {
"type": "URL",
"value": "78.89"
"supportEmail": "",
"securityKey": "cefabijtakidaanogatopwazwoshawzi"
Update shop
To update of shop details, kindly refer to the list of available environment endpoints below:
Environment | URL | Operation Method & Endpoint | Operation Description |
PROD | | PUT sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id} | Update a Merchant Establishment resource. |
CER | | PUT sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id} | Update a Merchant Establishment resource. |
Sandbox | | PUT sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id} | Update a Merchant Establishment resource. |
You need to perform a PUT request including the following header and path parameters:
Parameter | Type | Condition | Required | Description |
Content-type | String | Mandatory | Header | application/json |
X-Request-ID | String | Mandatory | Header | ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party |
merchant-id | String | Mandatory | Path | ID of Sponsored Merchant |
shop-id | String | Mandatory | Path | ID of Establishment |
x-ibm-client-id | String | Mandatory | Header | Token that identifies a client organization. It is provided during onboarding process and must be used in every call |
The table below details the parameters that can be utilized in the request message to update shop information:
Request parameters
Data Element | Type Length | Condition | Description |
shop | Mandatory | Object that defines the Merchant Establishment | |
address | String | Optional | Establishment Address When these fields are empty, the value to be considered will be the ones parametrized at the Merchant level. |
street | String <=100 | Optional | Street |
postalcode | String <=25 | Optional | Postal Code |
locality | String <=20 | Optional | Locality |
String <=55 | Optional | Establishment Email When these fields are empty, the value to be considered will be the ones parametrized at the Merchant level. | |
phoneNumber | String <=16 | Optional | Establishment Phone When these fields are empty, the value to be considered will be the ones parametrized at the Merchant level. |
type | String “Banks” “Wholesale“ “Supermarket“ “Retail“ “Gas Stations“ “Restaurants“ “Hotels“ “Others” “Virtual Establishment“ “Foreign“ “Service Provider“ “Service Entity“ “EMV Tolls“ | Mandatory | Establishment Type |
maxPercentLowRiskExemptions | Number <=100 | Optional | The maximum percentage of low-risk exemptions allowed in a system or process. |
scaExemption | String Default “0” | Optional | The field to evaluate SCA Exemptions must be filled with 1 to allow and 0 to not allow |
Find below a PUT request example:
"Shop": {
"address": {
"street": "Behsu Road",
"postalCode": "K8D 1C8",
"locality": "aparuma"
"email": "JRvAd_GfBJs.@lLdRqk9B16A7rc7B_oBb1BNaVj1mVvx-0YEJFBRoeINdL_GhCb4x-KBYnsKjY9_9a0wnyFn7A.OdVz",
"phoneNumber": "13881980362441110710459585739360",
"type": "Banks",
"maxPercentLowRiskExemptions": "100",
"scaExemption": "0"
Cancel shop
To remove a shop from the system based on its unique identifier, you can execute a DELETE operation. For this action, please utilize the following endpoints:
Environment | URL | Operation Method & Endpoint | Operation Description |
PROD | | DELETE sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id} | Cancel a Merchant Establishment resource. |
CER | | DELETE sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id} | Cancel a Merchant Establishment resource. |
Sandbox | | DELETE sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id} | Cancel a Merchant Establishment resource. |
Find below the request headers and path:
Parameter | Type | Condition | Required | Description |
Content-type | String | Mandatory | Header | application/json |
X-Request-ID | String | Mandatory | Header | ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party |
merchant-id | String | Mandatory | Path | ID of Sponsored Merchant |
shop-id | String | Mandatory | Path | ID of Establishment |
x-ibm-client-id | String | Mandatory | Header | Token that identifies a client organization. It is provided during onboarding process and must be used in every call |
Add payment method
Our API enables seamless integration of new financial products into an existing store. To add a new payment method, please refer to the list of available environment endpoints provided below:
Environment | URL | Operation Method & Endpoint | Description |
PROD | | POST sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id}/products | Add new Financial Product |
CER | | POST sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id}/products | Add new Financial Product |
Sandbox | | POST sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id}/products | Add new Financial Product |
You need to perform a POST request including the following header and path parameters:
Parameter | Type | Condition | Required | Description |
Content-type | String | Mandatory | Header | application/json |
X-Request-ID | String | Mandatory | Header | ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party |
merchant-id | String | Mandatory | Path | ID of Sponsored Merchant (required in the path) |
shop-id | String | Mandatory | Path | ID of Establishment (required in the path) |
x-ibm-client-id | String | Mandatory | Header | Token that identifies a client organization. It is provided during onboarding process and must be used in every call |
The table below details the parameters that should be included in the request message to add a financial product:
Request Parameters
Data Element | Type Length | Condition | Description |
products | Mandatory | Object that defines the Establishment Products | |
productId | String “XPAY-APPL-0-0”, “XPAY-GGLE-0-0”, “PYWK-BNPL-1-0”, “PYWK-BNPL-2-0”, “INTP-BLIK-0-0”, “INTP-BLIK-1-0”, “BLMD-PYBL-0-0”, “KEVN-PYBL-0-0”, “MCC-1-C”, “MCC-1-D”, “MCC-1-P”, “MCC-2-C”, “MCC-2-P”, “MCC-4-C”, “MCC-4-D”, “MCC-4-P”, “MSI-1-D”, “MSI-1-P”, “MSI-2-D”, “MSI-2-P”, “VIS-01-C”, “VIS-01-D”, “VIS-01-P”, “VIS-02-C”, “VIS-02-D”, “VIS-02-P”, “VPY-03-D”, “VPY-03-P”, “VSL-01-C”, “VSL-01-D”, “VSL-01-P” “MRKP-CRTB-0-0” | Mandatory | Financial product to be added. Product ID’s to activate: “INTP-BLIK-0-0” InterPay-BLIK-Domestic “INTP-BLIK-1-0” – InterPay-BLIK-OneClick “BLMD-PYBL-0-0” BlueMedia-PayByLink-Domestic “KEVN-PYBL-0-0” – PayByLink-Kevin “MCC-1-C” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Consumer-Credit “MCC-1-D” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Consumer-Debit “MCC-1-P” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Consumer-Prepaid “MCC-2-C” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Commercial-Credit “MCC-2-P” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Commercial-Prepaid “MCC-4-C” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Other-Credit “MCC-4-D” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Other-Debit “MCC-4-P” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Other-Prepaid “MSI-1-D” – Mastercard-Maestro-Consumer-Debit “MSI-1-P” – Mastercard-Maestro-Consumer-Prepaid “MSI-2-D” – Mastercard-Maestro-Commercial-Debit “MSI-2-P” – Mastercard-Maestro-Commercial-Prepaid “VIS-02-C” – VISA-VISA-Commercial-Credit “VIS-02-D” – VISA-VISA-Commercial-Debit “VIS-02-P” – VISA-VISA-Commercial-Prepaid “VIS-01-C” – VISA-VISA-Consumer-Credit “VIS-01-D” – VISA-VISA-Consumer-Debit “VIS-01-P” – VISA-VISA-Consumer-Prepaid “VPY-03-D” – VISA-VPAY-VPAY-Debit “VPY-03-P” – VISA-VPAY-VPAY-Prepaid “VSL-01-C” – VISA-VISA Electron-Consumer-Credit “VSL-01-D” – VISA-VISA Electron-Consumer-Debit “VSL-01-P” – VISA-VISA Electron-Consumer-Prepaid “MRKP-CRTB-0-0” – MarketPay – Cartes Bancaires |
ProductInvoiceIndicator | String “Payment Facilitator” “Sponsored Merchant” Default: “Payment Facilitator | Optional | Product Invoice Indicator |
Find below a POST request example:
"products" : [ {
"productId" : "MCC-1-C",
"productInvoiceIndicator" : "Payment Facilitator"
} ]
After the request, the API will respond with one of the two status codes:
Status Code | Message | TransactionStatus |
000 | Success | “ACT” (Accepted Technical Validation) |
999 | Unexpected Error | “RJT” (Rejected) |
Delete payment method
To remove a financial product/payment method from an existing establishment, you can execute a DELETE operation. For this action, please utilize the following endpoints:
Environment | URL | Operation Method & Endpoint | Description |
PROD | | DELETE sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id}/products | Delete a Financial Product from an Establishment |
CER | | DELETE sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id}/products | Delete a Financial Product from an Establishment |
Sandbox | | DELETE sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id}/products | Delete a Financial Product from an Establishment |
You need to perform a DELETE request including the following header and path parameters:
Parameter | Type | Condition | Required | Description |
Content-type | String | Mandatory | Header | application/json |
X-Request-ID | String | Mandatory | Header | ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party |
merchant-id | String | Mandatory | Path | ID of Sponsored Merchant (required in the path) |
shop-id | String | Mandatory | Path | ID of Establishment (required in the path) |
x-ibm-client-id | String | Mandatory | Header | Token that identifies a client organization. It is provided during onboarding process and must be used in every call |
The table below details the parameters that should be included in the request message to add a financial product:
Request Parameters
Data Element | Type Length | Condition | Description |
products | Mandatory | Object that defines the Establishment Products | |
productId | String “XPAY-APPL-0-0”, “XPAY-GGLE-0-0”, “PYWK-BNPL-1-0”, “PYWK-BNPL-2-0”, “INTP-BLIK-0-0”, “INTP-BLIK-1-0”, “BLMD-PYBL-0-0”, “KEVN-PYBL-0-0”, “MCC-1-C”, “MCC-1-D”, “MCC-1-P”, “MCC-2-C”, “MCC-2-P”, “MCC-4-C”, “MCC-4-D”, “MCC-4-P”, “MSI-1-D”, “MSI-1-P”, “MSI-2-D”, “MSI-2-P”, “VIS-01-C”, “VIS-01-D”, “VIS-01-P”, “VIS-02-C”, “VIS-02-D”, “VIS-02-P”, “VPY-03-D”, “VPY-03-P”, “VSL-01-C”, “VSL-01-D”, “VSL-01-P” “MRKP-CRTB-0-0” | Mandatory | Financial product to be added. Product ID’s to activate: “INTP-BLIK-0-0” InterPay-BLIK-Domestic “INTP-BLIK-1-0” – InterPay-BLIK-OneClick “BLMD-PYBL-0-0” BlueMedia-PayByLink-Domestic “KEVN-PYBL-0-0” – PayByLink-Kevin “MCC-1-C” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Consumer-Credit “MCC-1-D” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Consumer-Debit “MCC-1-P” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Consumer-Prepaid “MCC-2-C” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Commercial-Credit “MCC-2-P” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Commercial-Prepaid “MCC-4-C” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Other-Credit “MCC-4-D” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Other-Debit “MCC-4-P” – Mastercard-Mastercard-Other-Prepaid “MSI-1-D” – Mastercard-Maestro-Consumer-Debit “MSI-1-P” – Mastercard-Maestro-Consumer-Prepaid “MSI-2-D” – Mastercard-Maestro-Commercial-Debit “MSI-2-P” – Mastercard-Maestro-Commercial-Prepaid “VIS-02-C” – VISA-VISA-Commercial-Credit “VIS-02-D” – VISA-VISA-Commercial-Debit “VIS-02-P” – VISA-VISA-Commercial-Prepaid “VIS-01-C” – VISA-VISA-Consumer-Credit “VIS-01-D” – VISA-VISA-Consumer-Debit “VIS-01-P” – VISA-VISA-Consumer-Prepaid “VPY-03-D” – VISA-VPAY-VPAY-Debit “VPY-03-P” – VISA-VPAY-VPAY-Prepaid “VSL-01-C” – VISA-VISA Electron-Consumer-Credit “VSL-01-D” – VISA-VISA Electron-Consumer-Debit “VSL-01-P” – VISA-VISA Electron-Consumer-Prepaid “MRKP-CRTB-0-0” – MarketPay – Cartes Bancaires |
productInvoiceIndicator | String “Payment Facilitator” “Sponsored Merchant” Default: “Payment Facilitator | Optional | Product Invoice Indicator |
Find below a DELETE request example:
"products" : [ {
"productId" : "MCC-1-C",
"productInvoiceIndicator" : "Payment Facilitator"
} ]
After the request, the API will respond with one of the two status codes:
Status Code | Message | TransactionStatus |
000 | Success | “ACT” (Accepted Technical Validation) |
999 | Unexpected Error | “RJT” (Rejected) |