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This feature refers to a virtual terminal within the SIBS Backoffice, enabling merchants to carry out financial operations. It is presently accessible for Card and BLIK payment methods.

Before you begin, please ensure that you activate the “Keep the session alive” flag to prevent any interruptions in the flow. This will prevent the need for logging in again during the payment operation.

In this area, you can search in the quick filters, using the fields informed in the table below

Quick filters fields:

POSTerminal number.
NameTerminal name.
StatusTerminal status, which informs whether the terminal is operating or not.
MerchantMerchant Name.
StoreStore name.

You may choose the intended terminal, by clicking on the payment method icon, as illustrated in the figure below.

On the next screen, you can fill in the data related to the financial operation to be carried out.

The fields that must be filled in are informed in the below.

Payment TypeMandatoryYou must inform if the payment method is an Authorisation or a Purchase.
AmountMandatoryThe User must fill in the Purchase’s total amount.
CurrencyThe app shows the ‘Euro’ as the default currency.
Merchant operation IDMandatoryYou must fill in the Merchant’s internal identification code.
Merchant User IDOptionalIf the Client has an ID. Number, you must fill it in this field.

The Customer and Billing Address forms are not mandatory and can be left unfilled if desired.


When you click on the “Payment” button, you will be prompted to choose the “Payment Method” and provide the required details. 

If the customer information has been previously entered, the payment form will not require the name and email on this step.

Fields required for Card payment method: 

For BLIK payment method: 

Once you have completed all the necessary fields, the application will enable you to select the “Pay” option. 

Upon completion, a transaction summary screen will be presented, displaying the status of the transaction, and providing a comprehensive overview of all the information you previously entered.