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Postępuj zgodnie z tym przewodnikiem, aby zintegrować bramkę płatności SIBS z aplikacją na iOS za pomocą naszego pakietu SDK.

Step 1: SDK installation

  1. Download this file: ios-sibs-stargate-sdk-0.1.1
  2. Include the SibsSDK.xcframework in the project, as well as the Alamofire dependency:
  1. To use Apple Pay, you need to add and configure this capability in the settings of the App:

For guidance on configuring this dependency, check Apple documentation here.
To create the app certificate, check Apple documentation here.

Step 2: SIBS SDK initialization

Initializing the SIBS SDK authenticates you as a merchant. Include the following parameters before sending any further requests.

  • clientId – client identifier used to authenticate.
  • accessToken – access token used to authorise requests.
  • environmentSDK – environment in which the SDK will operate.
SDK initialisation method
public init(clientId: String, accessToken: String, environmentSDK: EnvironmentSDK)

Step 3: SDK requests and callbacks


Starts a payment process with the transaction parameters provided.

public func startPayment(from viewController: UIViewController, with data: 
TransactionParamsSDK, completion: PaymentResult)
Callback PaymentResult
(Result<TransactionResultSDK, Error>)

Recovers the status of a previously initiated transaction.

public func getTransactionStatus(transactionID: String, completion: @escaping 
Callback TransactionResultStatus
(Result<TransactionStatusSDK, Error>)
Data Classes
public enum EnvironmentSDK{
 case quality
 case production
public struct TransactionParamsSDK {
 public let terminalID: Int
 public let merchantTransactionDescription: String?
 public let transactionID: String
 public let transactionDescription: String?
 public let amount: Double
 public let currency: String
public let paymentMethods: [PaymentMethod]
 public let client: String?
 public let email: String?
 public let shopURL: String?
 public let shippingAddress: Address?
 public let billingAddress: Address?
 public let tokenizationParams: TokenizationParams?
 public let applePayMerchantId: String?
public struct TransactionResultSDK: Codable {
 public let isSuccess: Bool
 public let transactionID: String?
 public let token: Token?
 public let merchant: Merchant?
 public let paymentType: String?
 public let paymentStatus: PaymentStatus?
 public let paymentMethod: String?
 public let execution: Execution?
 public let returnStatus: ReturnStatus?

Apple Pay and Google Pay payments only carry ‘isSuccess’ and ‘transactionID’ values.

public struct TransactionStatus: Codable {
 public let merchant: Merchant
 public let transactionID: String
 public let paymentType: String
 public let paymentStatus: PaymentStatus
 public let paymentMethod: String
 public let execution: Execution
 public let returnStatus: ReturnStatus
 public let token: Token?