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Transakcje BLIKIEM

BLIK is a popular payment method in Poland, allowing customers to pay via mobile devices their banking app. LightPOS 2.0 integrates BLIK for an easy, convenient payment solution without the need for a physical card.



Convenience. Enables mobile payments without a physical card.


Secure Authentication. Transactions are verified through the customer’s banking app.


Popular in Poland. Widely recognized and trusted payment method in the Polish market.

How it works

  1. Initiate payment. Choose the „BLIK” payment option in LightPOS 2.0 and enter the transaction amount.
  2. BLIK. Insert the 6-digit BLIK code on the customer’s banking app.
  3. Customer approval. The customer approves the transaction in their BLIK app to complete payment.
  4. Receipt options. Provide a receipt on screen or send it to the customer’s email.