A cancellation is performed against a previous payment authorisation (AUTH), by referencing its transactionID and sending a POST request over HTTPS to the /payments/{transactionID}/cancellation endpoints.
When canceling a payment and if sent within the time-frame the authorisation is not captured yet, the cancellation causes an authorisation reversal request to be sent to the card issuer to clear the funds held against the authorisation.
It can be a full cancellation when the total amount of the authorisation is cancelled by the merchant, or a partial, when a subtotal of the total authorisation is cancelled by the merchant.
The possibility to cancel a BLIK purchase is only available until the transaction achieves its final status, which occurs when Stargate receives BLIK confirmation.
Generate the transaction:
POST https://stargate-cer.qly.site1.sibs.pt/api/v1/payments/{transactionID}/cancellation
Header parameters
Request parameters
Here’s an example of a cancellation message:
Request Header:
Autorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6I (...)
X-IBM-Client-Id: b4480347-9fc8-4790-b359-100a99c60ea3
Content-Type: application/json
"merchant": {
"terminalId": 24,
"channel": "web",
"merchantTransactionId": "BO_Order Id: c9876bcasd"
"transaction": {
"transactionTimestamp": "2022-05-29T18:23:41.367Z",
"description": "This is a cancellation request",
"amount": {
"value": 5,
"currency": "PLN"
"originalTransaction": {
"id": "1ach2CGpZ2BAKUfqJ9Rp",
"datetime": "2022-05-29T17:23:36.105Z"