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Split API

Split initiation: Post Split and Payout Information

Allows the Marketplace Operator to post (send) splits and payouts of a purchase.

Access via SIBS API Market:
POST /sibs/v1/split/{split-type}

If the User does not receive a response to this API, they should call the API “Inquire Split” function to validate that the information has been posted successfully.


Only after this validation, and in case there has been an error at the split communication level, should the User make a new call to this API.


This process will prevent the communication of information from splits that could cause errors.

This feature requires sending parameters at the Request level that have the following characteristics:

Parameters of “Post Split and Payout Information”
ParameterMeaningAccepted values and their meaningFormatMinimum lenghtMaximum lengthType
“split-type”Split Type“Purchase” “Refund”StringMandatory
“code”Submerchant CodeNumeric88“submerchant”
“externalTransactionId”Transaction external IDString132
“originalSplitTransactionId”split original IDString114
“split” – “amount”Split AmountNumeric12.612.6“split”
“split” – “currency”Currency Code“968” – EURONumeric3
“splitFee” – “amount”MO free amountNumeric12.6
“splitFee” – “currency”MO free currency“968” – EURONumeric3

Change Payout Scheduling

Allows the Marketplace Operator to change the payout date of a split.

Access via SIBS API Market:
PUT /sibs/v1/split

This feature requires sending parameters at the Request level that have the following characteristics:

Parameters of the “Change Payout Scheduling” feature
ParametersMeaningAccepted values and their meaningFormatMinimum lenghtMaximum lenghtType
“code”Submerchant CodeNumeric88Mandatory
“externalTransactionId”Transaction external IDString132Mandatory
“payoutReschedulingDate”Payout DateDateMandatory

List transaction by Submerchant

Allows to view the split list and payout scheduling for a particular Submerchant.

Access via SIBS API Market:
GET /sibs/v1/split/transactions
ParameterMeaningAccepted values and their meaningFormatMinimum lenghtMaximum lenghtType
“Submerchant-Code”Submerchant CodeString88Mandatory
“Split-Transaction-Last-ID”No. of split from which to send the list of splits per SubmerchantString114Optional

Inquire Split

Allows the Marketplace Operator to inquire a particular split.

Access via SIBS API Market:
GET /sibs/v1/spli/transaction

This feature requires sending parameters at the Request level that have the following characteristics:

Parameters of the “Inquire Split” feature
ParameterMeaningAccepted values and their meaningFormatMinimum lenghtMaximum lenghtType
“Split-Transaction-ID”Split IdentifierString114Mandatory