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Integrated checkout with MULTIBANCO Reference


MULTIBANCO Reference is generated in real-time, having a reference entity on behalf of the Merchant.

Instant activation

Immediate reference activation. The expiry time limit can be managed by the day, hour and minute, and validation is done by check-digit.


Refunds can be made without the need for a bank transfer.


SIBS Gateway enables you to accept e-commerce payments, having at your disposal several payment methods to make accepting online payments easy. This solution provides an online payment provider, gateway and Backoffice that integrates your website to a javascript solution with a secure form or through an Application Programming Interface (API).


It is an asynchronous payment that requests the generation of a MULTIBANCO Reference related to the payment registered by the previous Checkout. With the MULTIBANCO Reference returned in this operation, the customer can perform the payment. 

Front office operations

The SIBS Gateway supports purchases, which are made using the MULTIBANCO Payment Reference method, in which the purchase triggers payment immediately. 


This transaction allows a Cardholder to pay for a good or service via an electronic operation that debits his account and will credit the Acceptors banking account. Consists in an immediate debit in the Client account and it is an effective payment on the moment of the transaction. 

Backoffice operations

At a back-office level, MULTIBANCO Payment Reference supports the following types of operations: 


The purpose of this operation is to refund the amount of a previous payment, crediting the Cardholder account and debiting the Merchant account. A refund can be: 

  • Full: when the total amount of the purchase is refunded to the Cardholder
  • Partial: when a subtotal of the total purchase is refunded to the Cardholder. 

Requests the cancellation of the amount (full or partial) of a previous authorisation or MULTIBANCO Reference generated, but not paid. 

It is possible to establish the relationship below among the Front office & Backoffice operations, having in mind that Backoffice operations will act on the Front office operations. 

  1. A capture can act over an authorisation of the total or partial amount
  2. An authorisation can be cancelled and the amount kept on hold will be released
  3. An effective payment through a capture can only be refunded
  4. An effective purchase only allows to trigger a refund in the Backoffice.