Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT) are payment transactions initiated by the Merchant, after agreement between merchant and customer.
Unlike customer-initiated transactions, a cardholder authentication is not needed in order to perform a payment.
Merchant Initiated Transactions have two distinct types:
- Recurring: Recurring payments involving a transaction in which the cardholder authorizes a merchant, to debit their account on a periodic basis, for the recurring supply of goods/services over time.
- UCOF (Unscheduled Credential on File): MIT UCOF is a transaction that does not have any fixed recurrence and can have any value associated.
Activate MIT
In order to start using MIT in SIBS Backoffice, you will need to have a SIBS Payment Gateway offer with MIT included under the contract with your financial institution.
Make sure you have access to a SIBS Backoffice account. If you haven’t had any onboarding process with SIBS regarding SIBS Backoffice, make sure you follow this link in order to receive credentials to the platform.
After you have all the agreements with your financial institution and access to SIBS Backoffice, the MIT submenu will be available (by clicking in the “SIBS Payment Gateway 2.0” menu > “MIT”). In order to use the MIT functionalities in SIBS Backoffice, you will need to configure the Terms & Conditions of the MIT service, located in the menu “Configuration” > “MIT” .
This link will be made available to the customer on the purchase form and serves the purpose of highlighting specific conditions of MITs to customers. You must set the T&C link according to the “Recurring”, “UCOF” or both MIT types, depending on the operation type you have set up.
In order to check the MIT purchase list, go to the menu “SIBS Payment Gateway 2.0” > “MIT”.
Setup MIT in your payment solutions
In order to setup a MIT in payments, you will need to configure your payment solutions. If you want to know more about setup MIT in payment solutions, click here.
Once every step of the setup is performed, all the purchases using a MIT will be recorded on SIBS Backoffice.

Perform a MIT payment
In order to perform a MIT payment (either Recurring Payment or UCOF), make sure you are in the “SIBS Payment Gateway 2.0” > “MIT” subpage.
Check the MIT you want to perform a payment and click on the “Actions” button of the MIT and then on “New Recurring Payment” (if it is a Recurring Payment MIT) or “New UCOF Payment” option (if it is an UCOF Payment).
In order to make a MIT payment (either Recurring Payment or UCOF), click on the on the “Actions” button of the MIT and then on “New Recurring Payment” (if it is a Recurring Payment MIT) or “New UCOF Payment” option (if it is UCOF Payment).

Once in the payment page, you will be able to set the amount of the payment and click on the “Collect Payment” button.
Cancel a MIT
In order to cancel a MIT (either Recurring Payment or UCOF), go to “SIBS Payment Gateway 2.0” > “MIT” subpage.
Search for the MIT you want to cancel and click on the “Actions” button and then “Cancellation”.

In the next screen you can check the details about the MIT and you will be able to click on the “Cancellation” button.